Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sneaky JavaScript Technics IV

A ninja is a lazy fighter. As Sun Tzu stated "Every battle is won or lost before it's ever fought". Here are quick tips to simplify your development when dealing with optional parameters.

Handling default parameters

The are many way to default parameters when they are not passed during function invocation.

ES6 proposes a syntax to formalize them, you can try it by yourself.

The following example: function test (firstParam = "default value") { return firstParam; }

is transpiled into: "use strict"; function test() { var firstParam = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : "default value"; return firstParam; }

Indeed, the arguments object contains the list of parameters that were passed during function invocation. It looks like an array (but it is not) and exposes length as well as all passed parameters.

This is quite complex and I usually go with:

function test (firstParam) { if (firstParam === undefined) { firstParam = "default value" } return firstParam; }

Or, shorter,

function test (firstParam) { firstParam = firstParam || "default value"; return firstParam; }

This last syntax may lead to errors when dealing with falsy values

All these non ES6 syntaxes are working fine but they come with two drawbacks:

  • You have to manually handle the missing parameters
  • The condition adds cyclomatic complexity to your function

The lazy solution

Wouldn't it be nice to have a way to wrap a function so that default parameters would be handled without having to code anything?

Considering that optional parameters are usually at the end of a function, let's introduce a new method to the function object that will default its last parameters.

So considering this function: function add(value, increment) { return value + increment; }

We could define inc as: var inc = add.withDefaults(1);

That would be equivalent to the ES6 version of: function inc(value, increment = 1) { return add(value, increment); }


Before going straight to the proposal, you need to understand the following concepts:

  • A function exposes the size of its signature through the property length: it allows any developer to know the number of expected parameters
  • The arguments object is not an array but it can be easily converted into one using the following pattern: []
  • You can create an array of any size using new Array(size) It will be filled with undefined values
  • If the provided default parameters are not enough to set missing ones, they are replaced with undefined (as expected)

Now you are ready.


Here is the proposal to handle default values:

Function.prototype.withDefaults = function () { var defaultParameters = [], wrappedFunction = this; return function () { var receivedParameters = [], missingCount = wrappedFunction.length - receivedParameters.length, actualParameters, sliceFrom; if (missingCount > 0) { sliceFrom = defaultParameters.length - missingCount; actualParameters = receivedParameters .concat( new Array(Math.max(-sliceFrom, 0)), defaultParameters.slice(Math.max(sliceFrom, 0)) ); } else { actualParameters = receivedParameters; } return wrappedFunction.apply(this, actualParameters); } }

As well as the associated test case.


This solution is not perfect. Indeed, the resulting function has a signature length of 0. Consequently, you can't chain with another call to default parameters of such a wrapped function.

There are several ways to work around this limitation but I wanted to keep this article short and simple